Benchmark Symbols
In some strategies and portfolios reports, it will be possible to see a comparison between their performance and a benchmark of your choice. The app provides a set of standard benchmark symbols that you can find from the Symbols menu and option Standard benchmarks.
Standard benchmarks
If you prefer to include a specific benchmark, such as quotes for a reference stock, you can create a custom benchmark and upload a CSV file with the price history for this benchmark symbol.
New benchmark
When creating a new personal benchmark, you will need to fill in some necessary information, such as the benchmark's name and description. The type of this symbol must be chosen, which is essential when calculating a performance based on this benchmark. For assets represented by price or points (stocks, indices, currencies, etc.), the option used must be Equity. At the same time, for reference rates (interest rate, inflation, etc.), you must select the corresponding calculation period (daily, monthly, or yearly).
Upload history
To upload historical data, use a CSV file, as shown below. The file must contain only the date and the closing value or the reference rate for the period. When loading new rates, previously saved values are not overwritten. That way, you can provide only the most recent data keeping the values that were already saved. If you want to overwrite the entire history, it is necessary to clear the historical data before uploading it.
Date,Value 2020-09-18,1444.96 2020-09-17,1428.29 2020-09-16,1415.21 2020-09-15,1465.46 2020-09-14,1431.16 2020-09-13,1459.99 2020-09-12,1495.53 2020-09-11,1520.90 2020-09-10,1541.44 2020-09-09,1519.28 2020-09-08,1520.72 2020-09-07,1532.02 2020-09-06,1556.96 2020-09-05,1532.39 2020-09-04,1591.04 2020-09-03,1641.84 2020-09-02,1728.28 2020-09-01,1660.71
History chart
Read next: Strategies